Deep Dive

This challenge file has some secret files hidden deep inside which you might need.

Challenge File: hacker.docx

Category: Forensics

Description: This challenge file have some secret files hidden deep inside which you might need.

This is a simple forensic challenge where a word document has to be analyzed. Opening the file shows an extract of a page in Wikipedia.

To start with, this document can be unzipped to find all the files in different folders, depending on the type of file, along with a bunch of .xml files with information about the author, and so on.

There are three folders:

  • /word

  • /_rels

  • /docProps

For example, within the /docProps folder there are three .xml files outlining different properties of the file, such as the number of pages, the amount of words, the amount of characters...

Investigating the /word folder shows some other .xml files and a media directory as well as another _rels folder.

Looking through the images is a good idea - The flag is there.

Last updated