
A Junior Developer just switched to a new source control platform. Can you find the secret token?

  1. Download files and unzip zip file.

  2. Look into the folder.

└─$ ls -la
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 3 kali kali 4096 Oct  3 10:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 kali kali 4096 Oct  3 10:00 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 kali kali 2635 May 30  2019 bot.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 kali kali  199 May 30  2019 config.json
drwxr-xr-x 7 kali kali 4096 Oct  3 10:00 .git
-rwxr-xr-x 1 kali kali   53 Nov  5  2020 instr.txt

It looks like this is a repository.

3. Check the git log.

└─$ git log                                                                                           
commit edc5aabf933f6bb161ceca6cf7d0d2160ce333ec (HEAD -> master)
Author: SherlockSec <dan@lights.htb>
Date:   Fri May 31 14:16:43 2019 +0100

    Added some whitespace for readability!

commit 47241a47f62ada864ec74bd6dedc4d33f4374699
Author: SherlockSec <dan@lights.htb>
Date:   Fri May 31 12:00:54 2019 +0100

    Thanks to contributors, I removed the unique token as it was a security risk. Thanks for reporting responsibly!

commit ddc606f8fa05c363ea4de20f31834e97dd527381
Author: SherlockSec <dan@lights.htb>
Date:   Fri May 31 09:14:04 2019 +0100

    Added some more comments for the lovely contributors! Thanks for helping out!

commit 335d6cfe3cdc25b89cae81c50ffb957b86bf5a4a
Author: SherlockSec <dan@lights.htb>
Date:   Thu May 30 22:16:02 2019 +0100

    Moving to Git, first time using it. First Commit!

There is some info about the unique token.

4. Check the commit.

└─$ git show 47241a47f62ada864ec74bd6dedc4d33f4374699                                              
commit 47241a47f62ada864ec74bd6dedc4d33f4374699
Author: SherlockSec <dan@lights.htb>
Date:   Fri May 31 12:00:54 2019 +0100

    Thanks to contributors, I removed the unique token as it was a security risk. Thanks for reporting responsibly!

diff --git a/config.json b/config.json
index 316dc21..6735aa6 100644
--- a/config.json
+++ b/config.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-       "token": "SFRCe3YzcnNpMG5fYzBudHIwbF9hbV9JX3JpZ2h0P30=",
+       "token": "Replace me with token when in use! Security Risk!",
        "prefix": "~",
        "lightNum": "1337",
        "username": "UmVkIEhlcnJpbmcsIHJlYWQgdGhlIEpTIGNhcmVmdWxseQ==",

5. The token!

It looks like base64.

6. Decode the token and get the flag.

└─$ echo 'SFRCe3YzcnNpMG5fYzBudHIwbF9hbV9JX3JpZ2h0P30=' | base64 -d    

Last updated