Operating Systems
Security and privacy-oriented distributions
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Security and privacy-oriented distributions
Last updated
The operating system you use, despite trying to hide between an incognito window or even a VPN, will always send out information about the browser you are using, and perhaps even the machine, as, when surfing the web, there needs to be compatibility between your device and the server serving the site.
For example, when navigating from your mobile device, the identifiable information is how the navigators are being referred to: on a desktop or laptop, you might use Chrome, or Brave or Firefox if you don't like Google too much.
While on your mobile device, it wouldn't be identified as simply Chrome, it would be Chrome android, similarly with Firefox, Opera and even Safari on iPhones!
For that reason, many experts (not only security professionals), use other operating systems aside from Windows and Apple OS to safeguard their personas and have more privacy and security.
Some of these are:
: A Linux distribution achieving security through isolation.
: "The Amnesic Incognito Live System" focusing on privacy and anonymity by connecting exclusively through the TOR network.
: A package of two virtual machines, the workstation and the TOR gateway to provide anonymity and privacy on the internet.
: Previously known as BackTrack, Kali Linux is the most recognized Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking distribution.
: Based on Debian, the OS focuses on security, privacy and development.
: Most unknown, the Linux distribution is designed to reduce endpoint system risks by being resistant to surveillance and interference.
: Maintained by Purism for use in their Librem laptops and smartphones, focusing on privacy for their users and their online security.